About Us
That's me! I'm the creator and writer here at Stone Axe Herbals. I've been working in the agricultural field for 8 years now, but am finally ready to start a farm of my own! I spend most of my time combining my favorite topics: food, history, and health. We're a bit tight on money right now, so I spend much of my time making traditional, money saving recipes from scratch. When I'm not cooking, though, I can often be found in the garden, growing heirloom vegetables to save seeds from. I LOVE edible and medicinal plants of all kinds and also spend much of my time tracking down wild herbs to add to my medicine box. I also love horses, and all animals really. I've been studying draft horse management for the last three years and hope to own my own team sometime in the near future.
Zak grew up in Northern New Hampshire near the White Mountains and spent much of his time there hiking and exploring the woods. Although it was always an interest of his, Zak really began to hone his primitive skills after completing the Appalachian Trail. He is passionate about teaching and has worked for several years teaching outdoor skills to children at a handful of different organizations. Some of his most notable work includes the mastery of the bow drill fire, the construction of a traditional bow and hand made arrows with flint tips, and the completion of several usable stone axes. Zak is also an excellent ecologist and understands the movements and daily activities of many species of animals. He's not too bad at finding the occasional edible plant or mushroom also!